Bob Murphy, a podcaster focusing on academic-oriented interviews, recently interviewed Blyth Institute director Jonathan Bartlett on his recent published research on mutation theory and evolution and where biology is going into the future.
Author: Jonathan Bartlett
Thinking about Teleological Causes in Life and Evolution
Teleological causation has been a difficult subject in the philosophy of science for some time. On the one hand, it is difficult to even think of biology except in terms of goals and purposes. On the other hand, using teleological causes has historically allowed researchers quite a bit of room to substitute hand-waving for hard…
Rethinking the Modern Synthesis
The modern synthesis, developed in the middle of the 20th century, held firmly that no intentional forces were at play in evolutionary theory (a thorough review of the approach of the modern synthesis is available in Stoltzfus’s Mutations, Randomness and Evolution). However, this was based more on the philosophical outlook of the participants of the…
Extending Notation Improvements to Partial Differentials
The validity of infinitesimals as mathematical entities was demonstrated in the 1960s by Abraham Robinson. However, the most widespread application area of infinitesimals, differentials, has continued to be plagued by inconsistencies. Typically, these inconsistencies are papered over by forcing practitioners to never use differentials in isolation. However, new work from The Blyth Institute shows that…
New CBI Issue (3:2) Released
We are pleased to announce the release of the next issue of Communications of the Blyth Institute. CBI continues to attract, review, and publish high quality research in a variety of scientific disciplines. The present issue includes papers on the origin of life, a new model for the Big Bang, and a variety of topics…
Blyth Institute Publication Hits #1 in Multiple Amazon Categories
The Kindle edition of Naturalism and Its Alternatives in Scientific Methodologies was made available for free for a short period this week, and it immediately shot to the #1 spot in several categories on Amazon.
New CBI Issue (Volume 3, Issue1) Released
We are pleased to announce the availability of our next issue (volume 3, issue 1) of Communications of the Blyth Institute. This issue has a focus on the mathematics of tiling patterns. If you are interested in contributing to Communications, you can email or use our online submission process.
New CBI Issue (Volume 2, Issue 2) Released
We are pleased to announce the availability of our next issue (volume 2, issue 2) of Communications of the Blyth Institute. This issue has a focus on active information, both in mathematics and in practice. If you are interested in contributing to Communications, you can email or use our online submission process.
Blyth Institute Helps with N95 Mask Shortage
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a shortage in N95 masks. Private citizens have stepped into the breach by 3D printing various types of PPE equipment on home 3D printers. The Blyth Institute is helping out by helping individuals who are printing masks increase their printing capacity. We would like to thank everyone who is doing…
New Paper on the Directedness of Mutations
Historically, mutations were considered to be “haphazard” – that is, they were not directed to any purpose of the organism. However, over the last several decades, more and more research from a variety of groups have been showing that the cell actually has a variety of systems which generate necessary mutations when needed. The problem,…